Tag: treatment


by admin on / Information

Welcome to Janesh Vaidya’s Ayurveda Village at the coastline of Arabian ocean in Alleppy district, Kerala, South India. The ayurveda retreats let you experience authentic ayurveda treatments, medicinal diet and therapeutic lifestyle according to your body-mind constitution and imbalances. Live on the coast of south India and experience the simple life among the villagers. Explore vedic life in a serene and relaxed environment by living in the moment, with the sun and the ocean. Feel the slow pace of life by staying close to the nature.

Click here to know the 7 reasons that makes your stay at Janesh Vaidya’s Ayurveda Village unique compared to other ayurveda centres in India.

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by admin on / Treatments

At Janesh Vaidyas Ayurveda Village you will experience many of the traditional ayurveda treatments. Your treatment schedule will be designed based on your state of balance/imbalance. The treatments are performed in fully covered bamboo rooms. Below is a few examples of what might be included in your individual treatment plan.

Dhara; Shiro dhara, Sarvanga dhara
Thalam: Rasnadhi thalam, Neleka thalam, Thala pothichyl
Kizhi: Podhi kizhi, Naranja kizhi, Manal kizhi, Dhana kizhi, Ila kizhi, Navara kizhi
Vasthi: Khadi vasthi, Greeva vasthi, Prishta vasthi, Ura vasthi, Virachanam

Click here for a more detailed description of Janesh Vaidya’s ayurveda treatments: www.vaidyasayurvedavillage.com/ayurveda/treatments/

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